How to Verify the Hard Disk Usage with iostat in Linux

In this tutorial, we will show you how to verify the hard disk usage of your server with iostat. Install iostat package Centos yum install sysstat -y Debian/Ubuntu apt-get install sysstat -y Run iostat to get the hard disk usage iostat -x -m 5 avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle 1.60 0.00 0.46 0.31…

How to install sar (sysstat) on Ubuntu and Debian

In this tutorial we will explain how to install “sar” sysstat on Ubuntu and Debian Server Installation of sysstat apt-get install sysstat -y Run sysstat sar -q If you get this error : Cannot open /var/log/sysstat/sa15: No such file or directory· You need to enable sysstat in the config file nano /etc/default/sysstat … # Should…

How to block an IP Address with iptables

In this tutorial, we will explain you how to block and unblock an IPv4 and IPv6 Address on your Linux Dedicated Server with iptables. Block an IPv4 Address iptables -A INPUT -s IP_ADDRESS -j DROP Block an IPv6 Address ip6tables -A INPUT -s IP_ADDRESS -j DROP Block an IPv4 Address on a specific port iptables…

How to delete large amount of files in Linux

In this tutorials, we will show you how to delete a large amount of files in Linux if you receive this error when using rm -rf command : “Argument list is too long”. You can use the command “find” to delete the files. How to delete large amount of files with the command find Go…