How to install CSF Firewall on cPanel Server

In this tutorial, we will explain how to install CSF Firewall on your cPanel Server. Requirement: cPanel Dedicated Server root access First log your cPanel Server by SSH ssh root@your_cpanel_server_ip Download and extract CSF on your server cd /usr/local/src/ wget tar -xzf csf.tgz Start the installation of CSF cd csf sh When done,…

How to delete large amount of files in Linux

In this tutorials, we will show you how to delete a large amount of files in Linux if you receive this error when using rm -rf command : “Argument list is too long”. You can use the command “find” to delete the files. How to delete large amount of files with the command find Go…

How to Add IPv6 Addresses on CentOS

In this tutorial, we will show you how to add IPv6 addresses to your CentOS Server. In this case, the network interface we will use in our tutorial will be eth0 and the IPv6 subnet will be a /120. Add a temporary IPv6 address to your server To add a temporary IPv6 to your server,…

How to install htop on CentOS

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install htop monitoring tool on CentOS 6/7. Requirements : Dedicated Server root access Install epel repo to install htop yum install epel-release -y Install htop monitoring tool yum install htop -y Using htop htop To exit htop, just type “q”