How to Verify the Hard Disk Usage with iostat in Linux

In this tutorial, we will show you how to verify the hard disk usage of your server with iostat. Install iostat package Centos yum install sysstat -y Debian/Ubuntu apt-get install sysstat -y Run iostat to get the hard disk usage iostat -x -m 5 avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle 1.60 0.00 0.46 0.31…

How to install VestaCP on Linux

In this tutorial, we will expllain you how to install VestaCP control Panel on your Linux Dedicated Server. VestaCP can be installed on CentOS, Ubuntu and Debian. Curl is required for the installation Centos yum install curl -y Debian/Ubuntu apt-get install curl -y Download the installation script curl -O Start the installation of VestaCP…

How to install cPanel/WHM

  In this tutorial, we will explain you how to install cPanel/WHM on your CentOS Server A fresh and clean CentOS installation is needed with nothing else installed on the server. Log your server by SSH ssh root@your_server_ip   Install some basic packages yum install wget screen -y   On CentOS7, remove “NetworkManager” package yum…

How to force cPanel/WHM Update

In this tutorials, we will show you how to force the update of your cPanel/WHM on your server. Force the Update of your WHM Log your server in SSH and perform this command /scripts/upcp –force When completed, you should have an output like this at the end of the update —————————————————————————————————- => Log opened from…